Science Communications Agency

Photonics spots killer fruit & veg

Our campaign for Photonics 21 promoted a new technology that makes food safer by spotting pesticides and bacteria with incredibly sensitive laser light. This media campaign helped to position the...

10 01 2022 / Posted by Sam Young
New microscopic technology elevates war on superbugs

Our latest campaign promoted a brand new microscope that will help scientists discover what makes superbugs that cause pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis so resistant to antibiotics and why they are...

03 01 2022 / Posted by Sam Young
Digital Conferences Engage Global Communities

Our thought leadership campaign continues to promote the core brand values of the Optical Society (OSA), the leading professional society in optics and photonics. Through a series of blogs, feature...

10 09 2021 / Posted by Sam Young
European photonics outperforming global GDP

Our advocacy campaign for Photonics21 highlighted the phenomenal growth of light technologies in Europe – more than double the rate of global GDP since 2015. Throughout June, we emphasised the...

24 07 2021 / Posted by Sam Young
Matt Graydon joins Matter PR team

We welcome Matt Graydon, a new senior director to the team. Matt joins our growing team of communication and PR professionals to support our future growth, generate new business, and...

20 06 2021 / Posted by David Reid
Matter PR welcomes new team members

Last month, we welcomed two new members to the team: Amanda Allan and Ramya Raghu. After a successful career as Head of Brand PR at British Airways, Amanda has joined...

20 05 2021 / Posted by Sam Young
Podcast Explores Diversity, Visibility and Intersectionality

In our podcast for the Optical Society (OSA), we spoke to a group of scientists and engineers improving the world through light science who discussed the great drive toward inclusivity...

19 05 2021 / Posted by Sam Young
Photonics detects brain damage in babies early

Our campaign for Photonics 21 promoted a new technology that uses light to detect the early signs of brain damage in babies. This media campaign helped to position the Tiny...

17 05 2021 / Posted by Ramya Raghu
Campaign highlights key milestone for Science Cloud

Our campaign for Europe's Open Science Cloud celebrated the launch of new €30 million digital infrastructures that will make it easier for researchers to pursue fully-open science. Our campaign led...

14 05 2021 / Posted by Ramya Raghu
Cybersecurity Campaign to keep Businesses Safe Online

In April, we ran a pan-European media campaign to promote a new cybersecurity hub bidding to tackle sophisticated online attacks and stay ahead of cybercriminals. During the campaign, we generated...

05 05 2021 / Posted by Ramya Raghu