
Photonics detects brain damage in babies early

Our campaign for Photonics 21 promoted a new technology that uses light to detect the early signs of brain damage in babies. This media campaign helped to position the Tiny...

17 05 2021 / Posted by Ramya Raghu
Campaign highlights key milestone for Science Cloud

Our campaign for Europe's Open Science Cloud celebrated the launch of new €30 million digital infrastructures that will make it easier for researchers to pursue fully-open science. Our campaign led...

14 05 2021 / Posted by Ramya Raghu
Cybersecurity Campaign to keep Businesses Safe Online

In April, we ran a pan-European media campaign to promote a new cybersecurity hub bidding to tackle sophisticated online attacks and stay ahead of cybercriminals. During the campaign, we generated...

05 05 2021 / Posted by Ramya Raghu
How to Make a Truly Effective Promotional Film

James Harrison's top tips for making a promotional film with impact and a sense of purpose Many corporate promotional films comprise not much more than a bunch of loosely edited...

26 11 2020 / Posted by James Harrison
Using a specialist science communication and PR agency

A specialist science communication and PR agency can achieve much more than just tell people about your subject or organisation, it can help to position you, your message or brand...

19 11 2020 / Posted by David Reid
Global campaign launches Rosalind Franklin Institute

Matter PR recently carried out a global media campaign to launch a new national institute and announce Government funding for a series of ambitious technology projects that will transform the way...

11 10 2018 / Posted by Sam Young
New report highlights dangers of Invasive Species

A thought leadership campaign developed by Matter PR calls for urgent action to tackle the global spread of invasive species, as the recent Fall armyworm outbreak casts doubts over Africa and...

11 10 2018 / Posted by David Reid
Briefing Parliament on the Impact of  Invasive Species

On 25th January, Matter PR organised a sold-out event in the House of Lords to brief parlimentarians on the growing global impact of Invasive Species. On behalf of our client...

29 01 2018 / Posted by David Reid
Matter PR’s Science News Review 2017

From devastating caterpillars to the rise of AI, 2017 has been a transformative year for science. Matter PR's head of media, Sam Young looks at some of the biggest and...

28 12 2017 / Posted by David Reid