
Seize the Data

Can PR professionals use data to drive results and make more informed decisions? Matter PR takes a quick look at some of the most important ways data can help us...

30 04 2024 / Posted by Sam Young
Matter PR wins new photonics campaign

Global communications agency based in Oxford, UK has been selected to deliver a new campaign to raise awareness of light science for the European Technology Platform (ETP) Photonics21. Showcasing the...

21 11 2023 / Posted by Sam Young
The rise of Quantum Technologies

Are quantum technologies just hype or do they have the potential to improve our world? Matter PR takes a quick look at some advances in quantum computing and quantum communications....

06 03 2023 / Posted by Sam Young
Showreel highlights our most successful campaigns

To celebrate ten years of working on major global campaigns in science, technology and innovation, we are delighted to launch the Matter PR showreel, which showcases some of our most...

18 02 2023 / Posted by Sam Young
Matt Graydon joins Matter PR team

We welcome Matt Graydon, a new senior director to the team. Matt joins our growing team of communication and PR professionals to support our future growth, generate new business, and...

20 06 2021 / Posted by David Reid
Matter PR welcomes new team members

Last month, we welcomed two new members to the team: Amanda Allan and Ramya Raghu. After a successful career as Head of Brand PR at British Airways, Amanda has joined...

20 05 2021 / Posted by Sam Young
Global media campaign for EOSC

Enabling scientists and researchers to access data and work collaboratively has never been more important than during Covid-19.  A new EU-funded platform that will transform how researchers access and share...

28 05 2020 / Posted by David Reid