
Matt Graydon joins Matter PR team

We welcome Matt Graydon, a new senior director to the team. Matt joins our growing team of communication and PR professionals to support our future growth, generate new business, and...

20 06 2021 / Posted by David Reid
Matter PR welcomes new team members

Last month, we welcomed two new members to the team: Amanda Allan and Ramya Raghu. After a successful career as Head of Brand PR at British Airways, Amanda has joined...

20 05 2021 / Posted by Sam Young
Global media campaign for EOSC

Enabling scientists and researchers to access data and work collaboratively has never been more important than during Covid-19.  A new EU-funded platform that will transform how researchers access and share...

28 05 2020 / Posted by David Reid
Rosalind Franklin Institute hires Matter PR

A new national institute dedicated to bringing about transformative changes in life science through interdisciplinary research and technology has hired Matter PR to help raise awareness and understanding about their...

16 05 2018 / Posted by David Reid